Galvanitas - Fenix

Our study desk and classroom table use the marvelous FENIX table top, available in 4 deep colors. With low light reflectivity, their surface is extremely opaque, soft touch and anti-fingerprint.
FENIX materials are highly resistant to scratches, abrasion, dry heat, acid-based solvents and household reagents. FENIX surfaces have a unique non-porous external layer, allowing the material to stay neat with simple, everyday care and cleaning methods. They are extremely elegant and add character to every room.
In close collaboration with the original Dutch manufacturar Galvanitas, we managed to get the best from the past into the future. The old school furniture are classics among furniture and with utter respect we reworked these into indestructible yet highly attractive pieces. Following modern quality standards, ervins brings this nostalgia back to life.

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